The work continues the collaboration between Daniel G. Baird and I. The project is our attempt to account for the role of replication in production and reproduction of 'the world-as-we-know-it' and in contemporary art.
We continue to collect fragments of architecture from around the globe by taking molds using architectural conservation techniques. This piece is composed of fragments from Chicago, Lahore (Pakistan), Moscow, Maastricht (the Netherlands), and more.
One major uncertainty in attempting to make this work for the second time was- how would we make this piece without access to the 19th century 'teaching plasters' that we had borrowed from the ABK art Academy in Maastricht, the Netherlands. These plasters were of master works.
Upon visiting an architectural salvage depot we were able to locate many of the same sculptures we had borrowed and used in the original installation in Maastricht.
These sculptures however were not the same. They were versions of the replicas of the master works which themselves were of a style. This means that an artist made a copy from an observation of a replica.
What was proven was the redundancy of the formal world we know. It is this redundancy that can allow us to make the same work half a world away and this is what allows us to continue a project that deals with the globe while working half a world away.